The present state
of the crayfish in Japan (1)
A peculiar crayfish called "Japanese Crayfish" (Cambaroides japonicus) inhabits Japan.
However, if many Japanese call it a crayfish, they will visualize "Red swamp Crayfish" (Procambarus clarkii).
There are many Japanese who do not know that the peculiar crayfish exists.
Why does it become so?
"The Japanese crayfish" inhabits a part of north side in Japan.
And since he is poor at environmental aggravation, it cannot live in the place in which man lives.
Therefore, there is almost no Japanese who can see them.
However, "Red swamp Crayfish" can be seen easily also in the urban areas in which many human beings live.
"Red swamp Crayfish" didn't live in Japan from the old days.
It was brought into Japan in 1927 to make it the feed of the frog.
Japanese people did not import them, in order to eat.
Although Japan is the world leading shrimp country of consumption, there are very few people who eat a crayfish.
Only the Japanese of some areas eats a crayfish.
But, there is no custom of eating a crayfish in almost all the areas in Japan.
There are many rice fields in Japan to make rice.
A paddy field is the place for which it was very suitable, in order that a crayfish may be useful.
And, there was no natural enemy who threatened life like an American continent.
Their habitat spread in almost all the areas except Hokkaido in about 50 years.
Since the cold of Hokkaido is severe, it is not suitable for their habitation.
However, there is a living place at the place through which hot spring water flows even in Hokkaido.
Their photograph is published also at the textbook of the school.
And a lesson also studies by using them as teaching materials.
Japanese children do not have most opportunities to study about a peculiar crayfish or inspect.
We very regret this present condition.
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